Aerial view of resort


Partnering with Pachama, explore how we've been supporting meaningful impacts focused on conserving natural landscapes, avoiding deforestation, and reducing carbon emissions around the globe. 

Hiking, Nature, Outdoors, Person, Vegetation, Land, Rainforest, Tree, Woodland, Jungle

King County Parks Project 

This Urban Forest Preservation Program, managed by King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks (DNRP), aims to conserve 65,000 acres of natural lands and urban green spaces over the next 30 years. By purchasing high-value land parcels at risk of development in Seattle's outskirts, they're able to permanently protect these forests for years to come.


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Plant, Tree, Tree Trunk, Land, Nature, Outdoors

Central Kalimantan Peatlands, Indonesia

This project focuses on avoiding planned deforestation of peatlands across Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, which store 20 times more carbon than typical forests. 


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